The Transplantation Protocoles
- Category: My Books
- Author: Prof. Dr. Ehtuish Farag Ehtuish
- Pages: 150
- ISBN: 978-620-0-0-50506-4
- Year: 2021
In organizing Organ Transplantation, the aim is to establish an active, credible and successful Transplantation program, involving renal transplantation, and liver from living donors and more organ transplantation from both living and deceased donation. in addition, the program should initiate specific clinical and experimental research into some of the current problems of transplantation with potential clinical application and to play an active role on the graduate and undergraduate education of medical, nursing and Para-medical personnel, In order to achieve these objective the program should start by developing a fully integrated, multi-disciplinary transplantation team including surgeons, anaesthetists, nephrologists, hepatologists, pathologists and other medical and technical personnel and help improve existing relationships and motivate available expertise in order to maximize productivity, maintain high quality of care and obtain a successful long-term outcome, it is necessary to outline the procedures, policies, protocols and methods necessary to enable the attainment of these objectives.